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    Smoking and Skiing with a Portable Smoking Pipe

    Person skiing down a slope.

    Hitting the slopes to ski or snowboard is one of the most fun winter activities you can do. But if you want to combine that with smoking, what’s the best way to do so? Get a portable smoking pipe with a one hitter! These will let you carry everything you need on the mountains so you can take a quick puff whenever you have a second, and you won’t need to go back to the lodge to do so. With just a basic lighter, one hitter, and dugout you have everything you need to carry, securely store, and pack your pipe.

    Grind Herb Into the Dugout Before Going Outside

    You would think this is pretty easy to understand, but some people will bring an entire grinder or separate container of herb with them. Taking your gloves off and trying to grind, fill, pack, or anything else like that is a bad idea. You want to minimize your time with your gloves off and not do things out in the cold that could have easily been done inside. By having a packed dugout, you can take a puff on your portable smoking pipe in a matter of seconds instead of minutes.

    Have Your Dugout in an Easily Accessible, But Secure Pocket

    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. If you wipe out, having a portable smoking pipe crushed into you is not going to be fun. This can happen if you have it in a pants pocket or a jacket pocket on your side. Keep the dugout pipe inside your jacket and, not only will the smell stay more contained, but there is a very small chance of landing against it. A one hitter fits perfectly within the dugout, so you can take a good, all-in-one smoking kit with you wherever you go.

    Smoke When the Timing is Right

    In a crowd full of people, lighting up a one hitter pipe is going to be noticeable no matter how discreet you are. Consider smoking on a ski lift, in the woods, or somewhere along the slopes that is out of everyone’s way. Wanting to smoke and ski isn’t the worst thing to do, but being rude about it gives smokers a bad reputation. Be mindful of your surroundings!

    Get the Right Tools for Your Portable Smoking Pipe

    Consider getting a dugout that comes with a built in poker. There are a lot of variations on dugout pipes on the market, but some are better than others. Basic dugout pipes will only have a one hitter in them, but others come with a poker, others with a bottle opener, and some even have built in grinders. Smokit has a multi-hitter, a poker, and grinder card for maximum efficiency and minimum space required in your jacket. We recommend checking them out here and finding one that fits your needs today!

    Using a One Hitter Bat Pipe During Your Next Vacation

    Three palm trees on a beach

    When you’re going on vacation and want to smoke, there are three basic things you need: herb, something to smoke it out of, and fire. Depending on where you’re traveling to, getting herb can be incredibly easy or difficult.

    Find a Good One Hitter Bat Pipe

    Chances are, on your vacation, you’re going to be on the go frequently. You need to plan for traveling light and smoking, along with getting the right smoking essentials at an affordable price. The best ones are going to have a nicer than normal one hitter bat pipe and an accessory or two. These can include grinders, pokers, dab tools, and storage to carry ground herb. We always say Smokit has done the best job of making a traveler’s kit, as they include all of these components in a compact case with a removable grinder card. Check them out here, or ask the dispensary if they have them.

    The One Hitter Dugout Is Key

    You want to be able to smoke on the go. Getting a cheaply made one hitter bat pipe or dugout is going to save you a few bucks, but cause a whole lot of frustration. There are one hitters that have bowl ejectors to empty out ash. Another style has a filter in it, and last, but not least, there are multi-hitters available that hold significantly more herb . They’re only a few dollars more and well worth the investment.

    One hitter dugouts are where you can store the pipe and also your herb. One hitter dugouts allow you to take smoking essentials anywhere on your trip and not arouse suspicion. Having a grinder card or something to break down herb with will also assist in smoking out of your one hitter. But once again, that falls into the accessory category and isn’t a smoking essential like a one hitter bat.

    Enjoy your vacation and be responsible with whatever route you choose to go!

    The Right Way to Pack a Dugout

    The Right Way to Pack a Dugout

    There are many ways to pack a dugout up but some of them are absolutely better than others. Once you have a basic understanding of how a dugout pipe works, you’ll be well on your way to smoking a dugout with the best of them.

    • Understanding how dugouts work

    Dugouts are a portable storage box that have a one hitter pipe and storage space for herb. You need to fill the storage area up with herb before traveling with it, as the point of a dugout is to make smoking on the go easy, convenient, and discreet.  The one hitter is there so that you have something to smoke out of while on the go. A one hitter pipe is typically a metal pipe that looks like a cigarette and is shaped like one too. They typically need to be de clogged after each bowl, but we’ll get to that shortly.

    • Have your herb ground up beforehand 

    Before you go out and about, make sure your dugout box is prepped and ready. Ideally you have a multiple piece grinder to break down your herb into an even consistency, but a grinder card definitely gets the job done too. Either is able to grind your herb down much more effectively than by hand, but if you don’t have either accessible get to breaking it down by hand. You do this with a pinch and twist motion into as small pieces as possible. Having a fine consistency gives the best possible smoking experience, so make sure it’s not too chunky. 

    • Properly load the dugout pipe

    Now that you have ground up herb, it’s time to actually prep your dugout.  Traditional dugouts have a twist top that reveals the one hitter and storage area. The chamber that holds your herb is often pretty narrow so its best to funnel your herb over a rolling tray or flat surface. This is so any spillage can easily be gathered and put into the dugout pipe.  You can gently use the one hitter pipe to poke the herb down into the storage area, but make sure it is not too densely packed in.  As you load the one hitter over and over, the herb will condense itself down even further.  This is why loading the pipe correctly is essential, as once the herb gets too densely packed its difficult to continue smoking from. 


    • Pack your one hitter correctly

    With your dugout packed and loaded, you’re ready to hit the road. Using your one hitter as efficiently as possible is going to make or break your smoking experience. Ideally you have a poker to clean it out after each smoke, but if not you can still make do.  Remove the one hitter from the dugout box, and gently press down into the herb storage side. You want to twist as you do this, as that will help pack the bowl.  Mashing it in will result in getting the herb stuck at the bottom, so only do that as a last resort. Having a poker here will also assist in getting herb unstuck from the bottom, so you really want to try and have one with you. 

    • Keeping the one hitter pipe clean

    After you’ve packed and smoked your one hitter pipe, there’s a good chance there’ll be some ash left behind. This is totally normal, but should be cleaned out before packing the metal pipe up again. If there isn’t too much ash, you can typically just blow it out from the same end you inhaled from.  Most of the time this is effective, but if not you need to get a poking tool of some sort. There are pokers that come in dugouts designed for this, but a toothpick or paperclip can also suffice here. They also help keep any residue that builds up at bay. 

    • Our dugout recommendation

    Check out a product called the Smokit at www.smokits.com. They have a built in grinder card that allows you to grind your herb directly into storage instead of having to grind it up separately, and then funnel it in. There’s a poker that fits all the way through the one-hitter to easy unclog it , and the pipe is actually a multi-hitter with serrated edges so it packs up even easier.  The poker also has a scooper end, and there’s a silicone container as well for additional storage. There are two sizes depending on how compact you need it to be, and it’s made of a durable polycarbonate with a soft touch finish. Use the code ‘20off’ for a 20% discount!

    Make your own smoking kit - the essentials

    Make your own smoking kit - the essentials

    How portable do you want your smoking kit to be? That’s the first step to building your own smoking kit filled with essentials. If you’re working with an Altoids tin, you’ll have different priorities than working with a smell proof Skunk bag or lunchbox sized container. We’ll give a few essential smoking accessories that should be in every smoking kit, regardless of size, and then get into the more optional ones.

    A lighter

    Bic mini lighters are the smallest source of flame widely available and easily useable. If you want to throw some matches and hemp in there go for it, but when smoking on the go ease of use should be up there for simplicities sake. Using a larger container for your smoking kit you can get away with regular size lighters regardless of the brand or shape.

    Rolling papers

    You never know when the situation will present itself to roll something up. A pack of paper takes next to no space, and can be used in pretty much any smoking scenario. Great for party settings or even by yourself, you really can’t go wrong with having your favorite brand of papers. Raw papers have become the industry standard, but don’t be afraid to venture out and find something a little more off the beaten trail.

    A poker

    A poker is ranked so high here because it can be as simple as having a toothpick or metal poker in your smoking kit. Regardless of your smoking kit size, you can use a poker to pack in something you’ve rolled, stir a bowl, or de clog a bowl and it will also take up next to no space. Don’t sleep on a poker! If you choose to not put one in, you’re gonna have a bad time.

    One hitter

    Sometimes you only have a little bit of herb to smoke, and that’s ok. What’s more efficient at smoking a small bit of herb than a one hitter? Nothing. You won’t be scrambling to make an improv bowl out of anything, and won’t need an excess amount of herb to roll something up with. From a space perspective, you really can’t go wrong with a one hitter.  Larger bags and boxes can have bowls, bubblers, and even bongs but not every smoking kit can fit those. 

    Eye drops

    The purpose of these is twofold.  First of all, smoking can easily irritate your eyes and dry them out. Having itchy or dry eyes is miserable, so be prepared for them. Also, smoking is notorious for giving you red eyes, which eye drops can mitigate or even get rid of. It’s better to have a small bottle with you for when you need them, then to be struggling and looking for one.

    Grinder or Grinder card

    Depending on space, you’re going to want one of these. Breaking down herb by hand is a total pain. It’s the 21st century, almost the 22nd one, get with the times and get a grinder. Grinder cards are clutch when space is a premium, and traditional grinders are great to double as an herb storage and grinding apparatus in larger smoking kits. 

    Optional Extras

    You can fit all of the above in an Altoids tin if you go with the smaller options when presented with one. Now it’s time to explore a couple more possibilities that you can include when you have a larger smoking kit.


    1. A Smokit - This product’s name comes from Smoking Kit, so its a mini smoking kit all on it’s own. A multi-hitter, grinder card, herb and concentrate storage, and a poker/dabber come standard here. They’re the size of a Zippo, so any bag you’re using will have room for this and more. The design is based on a dugout pipe, which can be made of different materials. Wooden dugouts are the most common dugouts, but metal dugouts have become increasingly prevalent as people look to go with higher end options. 
    2. A collectable lighter - Think Zippo, a portable torch, etc. These lighters take up more space but can also be more useful depending on the situation. Torches are great for concentrates, and you can’t beat a Zippo if there’s wind outside for instance. 
    3. Dugout pipe - We think Smokits are the best multi-tool on the market, but if you have everything included in one already, there’s nothing wrong with having a simple dugout pipe. They come with a one hitter and storage space, and are great for taking on an outdoor adventure. Chances are you don’t want to take your entire bag with you, so putting one in your pocket is a great compromise.  If you’re on the market for a new one, www.smokits.com is a great place to start!

    So there you have it. A great way to make your own all in one smoking kit, a few optional additions depending on the size you go with, and why each is essential. Tweak your kit to fit your needs and preferences, but starting with the above parts like a one hitter will never steer you wrong.

    How to use a one hitter dugout

    How to use a one hitter dugout

    A one hitter dugout is one of the simplest ways to smoke legal herbs on the market.  Most dugouts only have a couple parts to them and they work great together. Those parts are a one hitter bat and the dugout case. The case normally has two compartments, one of which holds the one hitter and one holds your herb. The dugout was made in the 1970s when cigarettes were banned from major league baseball dugouts and players needed a tobacco fix. They solve the problem of needing a quick hit of herb discreetly and effectively.

    How the one hitter dugout works

    Before you put herb into the dugout, it  is best to grind the herb up so it smokes easier. Grinding the herb up can be done by hand, with a grinder, or with a grinder card. After you have ground up your herb, you need to funnel the herb into the dugout pipe’s storage side. This is part of the dugout case that is designed to hold the herb. 

    After you have herb in the dugout, you remove the one hitter from the tool side and push it into the storage side. This will pack the herb into the one hitter pipe and allow you to take a quick puff. You need to twist the one hitter bat a few times into the herb, as the herb needs to be well packed into the one hitter.

    Some dugout pipes come with a poker, which is a very important smoking accessory, especially for one hitter dugouts.  The reason is one hitters get clogged very easily, and have resin build up inside preventing you from smoking.  If you have a poker, run the poker through the dugout one hitter to keep it clean. You can also use the poker to keep the herb in it’s storage side from getting jammed in at the bottom.

    Tips and Tricks for using a One Hitter Dugout

    -There are many new variations on one hitters. Find one which best fits your needs. Some one hitters are made of glass, others are ceramic, and some have teeth to help pack up herb.

    -Be sure to grind your herb up. If you only throw in large pieces, your one hitter will not smoke well and be very messy.

    -A poker seems like an optional tool, but dugouts with pokers are way easier to use and smoke with. You will want the poker as soon as you start using the dugout! Trust us on that.


    The best dugout on the market

    Not all dugouts are created equally. Like we mentioned above, the quality and features in a dugout vary depending on who manufactures said product.  There are cheap ones with only a one hitter in the dugout case, decent ones with an extra such as a poker, and higher end ones made of better materials and parts. 

    Smokit for example has a multi-hitter, grinder card to grind herb straight into the device, a poker/dabber, and was shrunk down to be even more convenient and discreet than traditional dugouts.  With a rubber matte finish and priced affordably, you can get the best of both worlds.  Check them out today at www.smokits.com
